Why is branding important in a business?

Why is branding important in a business?
cars parked on street during night time

Whether it is a jingle or a certain color combination, many brands (businesses) are instantaneously identifiable. Why? Consumers recognize a business immediately based on the colors used, logos, and even the statement about the business. We would never consider any other brand but Dominos Pizza because of its red and blue logo on their white pizza boxes. And what about McDonalds? Those huge golden arches are their distinct brand, so much so that they have sued companies for trying to use anything similar.

Even though color combos and logos are synonymous for branding, branding itself goes one step further: Customer service. How you process orders and present your products to the consumer also has a huge play in your company’s branding. Do you greet customers a certain way? Do you package your product in a certain way? All of these have to do with the branding of your company. Think of branding like this: It is the full consumer experience. From top to bottom, every aspect of your business needs to reflect your brand.

Because of this, each interaction with your customer – whether in person or online- should reflect your branding. For online, make sure that the color palette of your website is the color palette of your brand. In shipping to the customer, have your packaging contain those same color palettes along with cards that contain logos. In person, have employees wear shirts within that color palette that contain your logo. Give away mugs or pens with your logo on them to the customer so that you can make a memorable impression on them.